About the Exam

Read on for details about the Salesforce Platform App Builder Exam.

  • Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and up to five non-scored questions
  • Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes
  • Passing score: 63%
  • Registration fee: US$200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
  • Retake fee: $100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
  • Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment; click here for information on scheduling an exam.
  • References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
  • Prerequisite: None; course attendance highly recommended

Course Curriculum

    1. Part I: Salesforce Foundations - 23%

    2. Part II: Data Modeling and Management - 22%

    3. Part III: Business Logic and Process Automation (1) - 28%

    4. Part III: Business Logic and Process Automation (2) - 28%

    5. Part III: Business Logic and Process Automation (3) - 28%

    6. Part IV: User Interface - 17%

    7. Part V: App Deployment - 10%

    8. Old/Archived: App Builder Practice Test1

    9. Old/Archived: App Builder Practice Test2

    10. Old/Archived: App Builder Practice Test3

    11. Old/Archived: App Builder Practice Test4

    12. Old/Archived: App Builder Practice Test5

    13. Old/Archived: App Builder Practice Test6

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 13 lessons


5 star rating

Passed the exam

Eralp Atmaca

excellent questions with explanations

excellent questions with explanations

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5 star rating


Jamie Lee

Def helped me understand the concepts

Def helped me understand the concepts

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5 star rating

Awesome course

Otho Molina

Passed the exam the first time. I did notice there were some questions on the exam that were not included in the study guide. Just make sure you have an understanding of the concepts.

Passed the exam the first time. I did notice there were some questions on the exam that were not included in the study guide. Just make sure you have an understanding of the concepts.

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